Sophie & Ben || A Wiltshire Countryside Wedding


One day in August…

The first thing I noticed when I started the edit on Sophie & Ben’s Wedding Film was how many shots had people smiling and laughing - almost every shot! That’s my memory for the day also, a beautiful and intimate day full of happiness and it was a pleasure to be a part of.

The other part that struck me was just how heartfelt and well delivered the speeches and readings were. Now, I could bore people (and do) about the importance of good audio in films - the visuals are important too, of course - but there’s something about people speaking from the heart that truly capture the atmosphere and human element in films, particularly wedding films, and I was truly spoilt for choice here.

I was so looking forward to editing this film that I bumped it up my queue (please don’t tell my other couples!) as I had a picture of how it would turn out even I was filming.

Sophie& Ben - thank you for having me at your wedding, it was an absolute pleasure and I wish you the very best for your future together.

James xx